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The Bloody Hollies

카테고리 없음

by mindbeltninfrep1979 2020. 2. 29. 15:11


Yours Until the Bitter End is The Bloody Hollies’ follow-up to the highly praised Who to Trust, Who to Kill, Who to Love which was released in 2007 on Alive Naturalsound. Many who are familiar with the band’s sound know them by their trademark murder-themed blues/rock anthems that remind listeners of the ’60s and ’70s golden age of rock & roll.

The new album still embraces the dark side of raw garage punk, but comes armed with a more eclectic array of songwriting and musicianship. But don’t let the touches of organ, violin and xylophone fool you, the band’s hybrid of blues and rock & roll continue to shine more impressively than ever.

The Bloody Hollies recorded in San Diego, but enlisted the expertise of Jim Diamond in Detroit, a familiar friend of the band that helped bring the sound of this record to its full potential.Yours Until the Bitter End is a work that reflects a lengthy career that fully embraces The Bloody Hollies’ vast influences while at the same time maintaining the quartet’s unique sound of explosive, over-driven mayhem balanced with intelligently thought-out songwriting. What is most impressive about The Bloody Hollies, however, is the diversity of their strengths, ranging from ’70s classic rock, Americana blues, to an even power-pop songwriting style. Wesley Doyle’s voice is stronger than ever and continues to shine, complimenting Joseph Horgen’s unique slide blues guitar style. The rhythm section of Matthew Bennett (drums) and Erik Noorgard (bass guitar) are as solid as ever and work together perfectly on this record which will go down as The Bloody Hollies’ most impressive to date.Yours Until the Bitter End comes out September 13th through Alive Records and will available on CD Digipack, Digital Download and Red Colored Vinyl ltd. To 700.4/5 stars “ Yours Until the Bitter End still hits with the impact of a cannon; guitarists Wesley Doyle and Joey Horgen’s guitars lock in and lay out fire with precision and fury, and bassist Erik Norgaard and drummer Matt Bennett explode like a handful of M-80s but still hit all the right spots along the way. A dial-it-up-to-ten triumph.“ – Mark Deming / ALL MUSIC“When it comes to slide guitar infused punk, The Bloody Hollies are second to none.” – OC WEEKLY“Nearly a decade after their 2002 debut, this Buffalo-born quartet continues to combine the menace of metal, the feral energy of punk rock, the panache of surf guitar (courtesy, perhaps, of their relocation from Buffalo to San Diego several years ago), the non-stop drive of southern boogie and the rough-edges of the garage.

Their music is fast and loud and tight, and though the rhythm guitars, pulsating bass and full-kit drumming will assault your body (thanks, in large part to Jim Diamond’s ferocious mix), it’s Wesley Doyle’s manic vocals that will pin your ears back.” – HYPERBOLIUM“Approximates what Jack White might have sounded like fronting The Faces. Yours Until The Bitter End largely takes an if-it-ain’t-broke-don’t-fix-it approach, and the quartet’s ragged charm remains squarely intact, even when a seemingly errant violin or xylophone creeps into the mix. – MY OLD KENTUCKY BLOG“Raw and sexy” – ALTERNATIP RADIO/NORWAY“The Bloody Hollies are everything garage-rock fans want.

Tracing a lineage from the MC5 to The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, these guys do not mess about.” – THE GUILDED PALACE OF SIN“ Yours Until The Bitter End embraces the dark side of raw garage punk, but comes armed with a more eclectic array of songwriting and musicianship. But don’t let the touches of organ, violin and xylophone fool you, the band’s hybrid of blues and rock & roll continue to shine more impressively than ever.” – EBURBAN“Listen to Yours Until The Bitter End and see if you aren’t as blown away as I am. It might be the best of the year.” – WHEN YOU MOTOR AWAYFOR MORE INFO ON THE BLOODY HOLLIES:FOR MORE INFO ON ALIVE RECORDS:FOR MEDIA AND INTERVIEW REQUESTS:Tony BonyataPavement PRp: 262.903.7775e: bonyata@wi.rr.com.' Yours Until the Bitter End finds The Bloody Hollies rocketing out of the traps sounding fully-formed and utterly fantastic. Thrillingly, their versatility never obscures their ability to rock like bastards either. Driven along by Matt Bennett’s animalistic drum clatter and Wesley Doyle’s Jeffrey Lee Pierce-esque howl, tracks like ‘Sticks & Stones,’ ‘I Dream of Bees’ and ‘You’re So Cold’ are all brilliantly-executed, full-pelt anthems blending New Wave, ‘60s garage punk and grunge to something very close to perfection.

Yours Until the Bitter End is a superb garage-rock album with twists, turns and a winning eccentricity that’s all too rare in Rock’n’Roll these days. 9 out of 10 stars! 'Tim Peacock / WHISPERIN & HOLLERIN/UKSEE MORE MORE PRESS ACCOLADES TO THE LEFT BELOW.

Part of the beauty of punk rock is that you don't have to reinvent the wheel to get over with the stuff - there are seemingly thousands of different variations to the fast/loud/snotty formula, and most of them will work just fine if you put enough legitimate vim and vigor behind them. Take the Bloody Hollies - obviously weaned on the same blues riffs and garage rock poses as a few hundred other bands crowding the hipster landscape, these guys aren't doing anything radically different than their peers, but let 'em plug in, turn up their amps, and hit fifth gear, and you'll notice that they just plain rock harder and sound more potent than most folks walking the same line. Wesley Doyle's guitar riffs are solid, meaty, and ladled with extra sauce, his vocals drip with swaggering anger without overplaying his hand, and bassist Phillip Freedenberg and drummer Michael Argento know how to bash the music into submission without bruising it.

The band's songs talk women and anger as well as anyone else on the scene, and for their second full-length album, they had the good sense to roll into Ghetto Recorders in Detroit and let Jim Diamond put their fury on tape in an appropriate environment. If Footmen Tire You. Isn't going to change the way you look at punk rock, but the Bloody Hollies will give you a half-hour's worth of top-quality guitar-fueled rant, and what's wrong with that? Not a thing, pal - crank it up and enjoy.

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Musique The Bloody Hollies

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