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Domain-driven Design Tackling Complexity In The Heart Of Software

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by mindbeltninfrep1979 2020. 3. 2. 19:48


Book Description“Eric Evans has written a fantasticbook on how you can make the design of your software match yourmental model of the problem domain you are addressing.“His book is very compatible with XP.It is not about drawing pictures of a domain; it is about how youthink of it, the language you use to talk about it, and how youorganize your software to reflect your improving understanding ofit. Eric thinks that learning about your problem domain is aslikely to happen at the end of your project as at the beginning,and so refactoring is a big part of his technique.“The book is a fun read. Eric has lotsof interesting stories, and he has a way with words. I see thisbook as essential reading for software developers—it is afuture classic.”— Ralph Johnson, author ofDesign Patterns“If you don’t think you aregetting value from your investment in object-oriented programming,this book will tell you what you’ve forgotten to do.“Eric Evans convincingly argues forthe importance of domain modeling as the central focus ofdevelopment and provides a solid framework and set of techniquesfor accomplishing it.

This is timeless wisdom, and will hold uplong after the methodologies du jour have gone out offashion.”— Dave Collins, author ofDesigning Object-Oriented User Interfaces“Eric weaves real-world experiencemodeling—and building—business applications into apractical, useful book.

E-Book Review and Description:Domain-Driven Design fills that need. This is not a book about specific utilized sciences. It provides readers a scientific technique to space-pushed design, presenting an in depth set of design biggest practices, experience-based strategies, and elementary guidelines that facilitate the enchancment of software duties coping with difficult domains.

Intertwining design and enchancment apply, this book incorporates fairly a number of examples based mostly totally on exact duties for example the software of space-pushed design to precise-world software enchancment.Readers uncover methods to make use of a website model to make a complicated enchancment effort additional focused and dynamic. A core of biggest practices and commonplace patterns presents a normal language for the enchancment group. A shift in emphasis–refactoring not merely the code nevertheless the model underlying the code–in combination with the frequent iterations of Agile enchancment outcomes in deeper notion into domains and enhanced communication between space skilled and programmer. Domain-Driven Design then builds on this foundation, and addresses modeling and design for sophisticated strategies and larger organizations.Specific topics coated embrace:With this book in hand, object-oriented builders, system analysts, and designers might have the steering they need to organize and focus their work, create rich and useful space fashions, and leverage these fashions into high high quality, long-lasting software implementations. Most of the times, it has been believed that the readers, who are utilizing the eBooks for first time, happen to have a rough time before becoming used to them. Most often, it happens when the brand new readers cease utilizing the eBooks as they are not able to use them with the appropriate and effective style of reading these books. There present number of reasons behind it due to which the readers stop reading the eBooks at their first most attempt to make use of them.

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ComplexityDomain-driven Design Tackling Complexity In The Heart Of Software

Domain-driven Design Tackling Complexity In The Heart Of Software 1st Edition Pdf

Domain-driven Design Tackling Complexity In The Heart Of Software

Domain-driven Design Tackling Complexity In The Heart Of Software By Eric Evans

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